It was a beautiful evening. It was very pleasant for a summer evening, thanks to the showers in the afternoon. There wasn’t much to do; it was like any of my other vacations to Kerala. I was just cooling my heels off.
That when I noticed a light green thing moving on my dining table. On a closer look I noticed that it is a small spider. It was very beautiful creature. Very different from the spiders that you get to see in Kerala. I quickly grabbed the mobile to capture it. He was giving a hard time; he was running here and there so it was quite difficult to get a nice shot. All the possible angles where explored to get that perfect shot. And I just kept clicking. What came next was something that I really didn’t expect.
I leaned down in front of him to get a nice close up shot. I guess it was his curiosity to explore or his discomfort that made him jump on to the mobile. I was surprised and scared at the same time and I dropped the cam. The moment I dropped it I knew it was a mistake; I grabbed the cam as quickly as I can to see if the little fellow is alright. It was a sad scene. The impact had crushed him. I was cursing myself for dropping the cam. Even though it was a reflex action I just couldn’t forgive myself.
All evening I spent thinking about my mistake, how even ones reflex action could cause such damage. I never wanted it to happen but at the end of it, it was my own hands that brought the tragedy. I felt that I should never publish that photograph as a mark of my respect to that creature.
On an after thought I felt - If this photograph is not published a life would have been lost for nothing. Every life has a purpose may be the purpose of that spiders life was to teach an important lesson to me and to anyone who is willing to listen.
How much does a person’s action conscious or otherwise affect others? That thought just got stuck in my mind. This was just one creature that lost his life to an unconscious act of a human being. There are so many creatures that loose their life or habitat due to our never ending greed and thoughtless actions. A lot many of us or rather all of us contribute directly or indirectly to aggravate that problem. It’s just that we don’t have time to think about them or we choose not to. We have our own silly lives to live. In that never ending race to satisfy our greed we forget that, this planet and the creatures in it will happily survive without us, but it would be quite difficult for us to survive if some of those creatures are not there.
That event changed me, I want to do something to make a difference, I just have to find out how. All of us can do this; you just have to find out how you can. From each according to his ability and potential, only then will there be a change. We are a part of the problem so we have to be a part of the solution.

The irony is that This is the only good image that I managed to get...