Friday, July 9, 2010

First Love…V 1.2…

She was my dream

She was my aim

and one fine day

She was my own

In her I found love

In her I found bliss

In her I found peace

In her I found me

In a way unknown to me

So it was but obvious

I fell for her

I fell for her charms

into her wide open arms

I said

Never will I leave

Never will I loose

Forever you are mine

Or that’s what I said

half a decade ago

now here I am

with just a day left with her

I cannot stop me

For it was my call

I wouldn’t stop

For I have to go

I just had to say

You made me, me

I never let you go

from the depths of my heart

For you are the one

my true first love

Mumbai my love

First Love...

I was impressed the day I met her

I stayed around to get to know her,

and before long we had to part

I got back after a long break,

just to meet her once more,

this time again I had to leave

She was in my mind

for way too long

I had decided,

I want to be with her

and I then did

I came back again,

to be with her,

but this time around,

I am gonna stay forever

Yes she was my first

My true first love

I grew up with her

I learned my lessons,

while I was with her

I discovered myself,

while I was with her

She made me, me

She was there along

in my days of glory

and through all my down falls

I fell in love with the sea,

with rains, with sunsets,

with nights, with days and

all the beautiful things,

all this because of her

I learned how it feels to love

and to be loved

To care for someone

and to be taken care of,

while I was with her

So there I was

my heart full of love

and days full of hope

For she was there with me

Now the day has come

and so has my calling

I have to leave

And here I am about to,

Leave my first true love

Mumbai I’ll miss you…