Thursday, December 10, 2009

No Space

Please note that all the ideas represented here are purely an expression of my personal thoughts. Many of you might not agree with what I say but I would respect it as your own ‘free will’. So please respect my ideas as an expression of my own ‘free will’.This article does not intend to offend any person or his/her ideas. Please do not take this as an attack on the moral ideas or beliefs of a country or any person.

It was a random scene that I saw that woke up this idea which was sleeping inside me since some time now. What I saw was purely unintentional and without any conscious effort. And it was the second time that I ended up peeping into somebody’s private life unintentionally. It was nothing, just a pair of lovers expressing their intimacy in the back of an auto rickshaw. The first time I saw that I felt completely disgusted and was thinking more on the lines of “What the heck do they think? That the rick is their private limo? How can one do that? When you know for a fact that the world has free access to whatever they are doing….” and things like that. I let it go as a random incident. Life went on for a couple weeks. Then one morning when I was heading to the gym, Bang!!! There I am again in a similar situation. But this time it was different, this time it made me think. In fact made me think is a very different direction. “Why does this happen?”

There I was with this interesting thought in my mind. Right away I felt I had to write about it. So I went on searching for answers for that very question. The resulting observations that I managed to make are purely my own by that I mean to offend no one by thinking in those lines and I do not have an intention to stir up a hornets nest over that. Still I feel the need to express my observations and if that results in a healthy debate I would be more than happy to take part in it.

The root cause for these things I felt was the lack of space; at least that’s the case in my city. The city that has space of every dreamer who wants to make it big and get a better life. The city that has space for the richest and the poorest in the country within a span of 400 sq. Kms. The city that has space for people from all parts of the country as well as the world. But unfortunately the same city does not have enough space for the people who are in love. No space or tolerance for the trivial actions that express their love. And if at all you try to express it in what ever space that you have you will end up being frowned, stared, commented and branded as some one who has no values. When people judge someone by saying that “They have no shame in doing something like this in public” the very same people forget that even they fall into the same category because they have no shame in staring into somebody’s private life.

Then I went further, Is that the only reason? Hmmmm nope…well another one that I found goes far deeper. It’s fed to you from the day you are born. Before you to let your thoughts run as wild horses let me break it. It’s nothing but our great misplaced sense of morals. Yes I said it. Let’s admit it we do have a lot of it. We frown upon anything that is remotely connected to the expression of love. If we don’t show it outside we will think about it inside and let it out when you find like minded people. Which I am sure you can find a lot in our country.

By this I do not mean that we should not have morals but it just means that not some misplaced sense of it. I am a person who respects every thing that my country stands for including the great values that it brings to this world. But we should not twist and turn it according to our wishes and to suit our needs. Unfortunately that’s what happens quite often.

To elaborate on what I have to say I would start from our own history. We are the descendents of the people who wrote down what love is and various forms of expressing it (Ya, you guessed it right). We are from the same country where you will find the most extravagant expressions of love carved on to our walls and painted in ancient texts, way before the moral brigade took over and started imposing their ideas. And no body says that people back then had low morals. Or what they expressed is never labeled as obscene and none of those people are branded as perverts. But why is it that today when a young chap wants to kiss his girl or hold her close he has to think twice. Why is it that one cannot talk about Sex openly? Why is it that when someone says that they have experienced the ultimate expression of love they are looked down upon? Yes we still do this even in this 21st century when we claim to be galloping towards modernity. If you ask me even I used to think the same way when any of my friends (esp. lady friends) happens to say something like that. But in my case I feel that I need to open up a bit more to such things. We all need to. I am making an effort for it, so can you. For the very same reason that tomorrow I don’t want someone pointing fingers at me and branding me as something when I choose to express my feelings towards my love.

It’s about time this country goes through a phase of Liberation from its rusty misplaced ideas of morals. Yes you can term it as Sexual Liberation if you want to. Of course it can be in its own unique way, we need not copy the west in every thing that we do. We can be liberal and yet not go over the top with that idea. After all we are the people who mastered traveling through the middle path since centuries.

So go out there and express your love my friends, because the more the people see such things the less interested they will be in looking. Then they will automatically start getting used to such things and will accept it willingly or unwillingly. After a point of time even they will feel “Yes it is about time to change our perceptions of such things”. Now that’s just one way, I am sure that we youngsters can come up with millions of such ideas.

And folks this is what I managed to observe in a small span of time. Given some more time and some more brain storming sessions all of us will be able to come up with more and better observations.


lazy_workaholic said...

It is odd isn't it.. For a country, whose values are mostly based on love in a family, it is still considered taboo to actually 'talk' about the same love that is actually the reason for every human's existence. You are spot on.. It needs to become so common that people won't bother to look any more.

Rahul Warrier said...

yup very much....da more common it is da more pple will get used to it..and if we start now then at least the next generation will be able to express their love freely...