Sunday, November 1, 2009


He loved her like the night loved its moon

He missed her when she was away

like the night missing his moon

He told her what he felt

She told him what she felt

They never got together till the end

For she was stuck somewhere

He tried to help

He tired to pull her out

She just wouldn’t come out

He still had his faith

that he could get her out

He still loved her so much

She just could not see that

For she was in the dark

He wanted to be the light

that shows her the way out

of the mess she was in

She just couldn’t see

the light out there bright

or she just didn’t want to

look out at that

For the light was the truth

that she dreaded to see

He is still by her side

still holding the light

But only god knows if she is

gonna follow the light

And now he is wondering

if the lights are fading

He still wants it burning

but can’t stop its fading

For the air that it needs

to burn all that bright

ain’t just looking

or cooperating

For him to burn

As bright as he can…

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