Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Role

The story has been written

The characters have been chosen

The writer up there was considerate enough

to fix up a role for me too

He gave me the script when I came down

I was playing the role that was given

The fellow players also played along

The play was going all fine and well

or at least that’s what I believed

Then at a point I felt

the lines that they where saying

was not at all there in my script

I turn the pages back and forth

only to realize that its not there

It felt like the whole play itself is different

So now I ask myself

Was I not part of this play?

or did I loose the script meant for this

Now I am wondering about a lot of things

Am I fit for this stage at all?

Did I enter at the wrong time?

or at the wrong place ?

Now I look around to make sense of it all

And to play along till

I get to the right place

Where I was supposed to enter

So I could play the rest of the role

And make it a meaningful character

In this elaborate play

That’s set on such a grand stage...

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